Any person aged 18 or over in the UK can put £20,000 into a cash ISA each tax year. Once your money is in a cash ISA, it stays tax-free year in year out. Fixed savings accounts bring better returns Those who can afford to lock away money for a year or longer can get a bet...
UK pensions are boosted by another blessed benefit. That’s the 25% tax-free cash that can be taken as a lump sum (PCLS) or in ongoing chunks (UFPLS). Before the Lifetime Allowance was abolished, the tax-free sum used to automatically reduce a basic-rate payers overall income tax ...
While building a home might sound like a great option and a dream for some, there are some significant challenges that come with it. First is financing. Getting amortgage on a regular houseis easy, but with a self build project, things become a bit more complicated. Then there’s...
They also have to pay for the mortgage interest, the insurance on the house, the utility bills, groceries, and gas (or public transportation) to get to and from work. A Boomer’s minimum wage income increased every 15 years by an enormous percentage. First it increased by nearly 200%,...