The silly comedy franchise Austin Powers, which gripped the nation in the late 1990s, never tickled me pink like it did so many others. International Man of Mystery debuted in 1997 and provided a smirk or two, but the follow-up ran out of gas by using more or less the same schtick as...
Then in 1983 his younger brother Thomas was murdered in a mob-linked killing. Moresco moved back to his old neighborhood and started writing as a way to explore the pain and the patrimony of Hell's Kitchen. Half-Deserted Streets, based on his brother's killing, opened at a small Off-Bro...
“The bugle still sounds,” I would think as I ran. I was a long way from imagining that ten years after the Seven-Four would be rushing to attack real trenches. This training seemed to us at that time just one, happy game. *** Jean Legrix, one of the noblest souls I have even...
at this writing, it’s nestling in the upper tier of the New York Times Best-Seller List. It deserves every accolade it’s gotten. But so does the latest novel by Everett’s equally accomplished wife, Danzy Senna, who has built her own impressive reputation for acerbic comedies-of-manners...
a six-year-old black student who was among the first to integrate an all-white school in 1960. The complaint lamented that students would have to "repeatedly focus on" the "racist images" of a white mob opposing Bridges. As my American Enterprise Institute colleague Frederick Hess wrote at...
That Ishikawa’s star power has diminished at all is probably a welcome respite. Scenes like the one that happened at his PGA Tour debut at Riviera Country Club, where a mob of Japanese reporters overwhelmed the media center and snapped photos of a television showing Ishikawa being int...
ran piece maybe friend direction concerned plane literature list husband green game evening direct degree continued blood army provided influence george generally de cause average association wrong spring shot seven opened meaning freedom former changes chance works ways theory term series planning ...
The desired isolation level is determined by optimizing the RAN infrastructure used by dynamically allocating radio resources between different segments fairly. Articles [10,39] also consider virtual radio resource management (VRRM), which provides the optimal use of virtualized resources of the ...