aSilicate paints are harmless to the environment, consisting of natural mineral compounds including quartz, inorganic mineral colorants and liquid potassium silicate used as a binder. Silicate paints represent a technology which has no detrimental effects on the environment in terms of manufacturing as ...
The clay mineral which shows the XRD pattern of Kaolinite1Md , Illite2M1 and Quartz the catalytic cracking mannered nullPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a catalytic cracking catalyst having high cracking activity in the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon oil, reducing the amount of production of a...
The clay mineral which shows the XRD pattern of Kaolinite1Md , Illite2M1 and Quartz catalytic cracking methodological nullPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To provide a catalytic cracking catalyst having high cracking activity in the catalytic cracking of hydrocarbon oil, reducing the amount of production of a...