I need to install 2 npm modules got as .tgz packages on NodeRed 1. x.tgz 2. y.tgz I could install the first package using npm install path/to/x.tgz I used the same command npm install path/to/y.tgz command but I am getting following error. malintha@malintha-Vi...
GNU/Linux Ubuntu 20.04 x86_64 If you don't have a compilation database, clangd will parse "*.h" as ObjC++ by default for best parse compatibility. Indeed this interacts poorly with query-driver (using query-driver without a compilation database is a bit unusual). If you add-xcorxc++to...
Access Denied For User 'mysql'@'localhost' ie: (using the example GRANT above) $ ./mysqlfs -ohost=localhost -ouser=mysqlfs -opassword=password -odatabase=mysqlfs fs 2009-06-14 00:59:29 89956 ERROR: mysql_real_connect(): Access denied for user 'mysqlfs'@'localhost' (using password...
Basically, what I am trying to do is capture keyboard input from the user, using files in "/dev/input/". However, a problem I have come across is that the file which handles keyboard input is different on event files. What do I mean by this? Well, on my s...
They actually all use linux and open source programs, which tend to have less issues about compatibility and obsolete program versions. I'm the only one that uses windows because of Adobe. And still, even though I work with the best hardware in my company, it ten...
Even though I am using Azure as the technology, the concepts are equally valid for other cloud platforms.Which Cloud Architecture?The canonical benefit of cloud computing is the business agility fueled by the IT scalability enabled by the massive computing resources made available to the applicat...
CreatedMarch 28, 2018 at 8:22 AM Hello, since I upgraded to 2018.1 all my JAXB annotations are breaking with error "Package javax.xml.bind.annotations is declared in module java.xml.bind, which is not in the module graph" I ...
I am writing this post, to find out the fastest method to delete large number of files in Linux. We will begin this tutorial with some simple file deletion methods, and then will compare the speed with which different method completed the task of file deletion. Another major reason for writ...
If you are using Linux/FreeBSD/etc with all the defaults, performance will be terrible for all your applications. The defaults assume smaller directories so-as not to waste RAM on oversized caches. Tune your filesystem to better handle large directories:Do large folder sizes slow down IO perfo...
You would think so on the Linux vs Windows branding, but I've gotten a surprising number of Linux branded Z620 v2 motherboards. Maybe that is because the Linux ones for some reason are being parted out more, and maybe same for Z820. Regarding ...