Lymphocytes and monocytesare the two types of agranulocytes or nongranular leukocytes. These white blood cells have no obvious granules. Which cells are Agranular? bothlymphocytes and monocytesare agranular leukocytes. Monocytes fight bacteria, viruses, and fungi. The are the biggest type of white bl...
Granular leukocytes (Choose 3) a) erythrocyte b) megakaryocyte c) platelet d) lymphocyte e) monocyte f) neutrophil g) eosinophil h) basophil Which type of lymphocyte defends against conspicuous invaders in the extracellular fluid? A. T lymphocytes...
Answer and Explanation:1 The albumins are proteins that are found in the blood plasma. The plasma components including proteins are found in thetopmost layer of the... Learn more about this topic: Blood: Function & Components from Chapter 22/ Lesson 5 ...
More commonly called red blood cells 1. Erythrocytes. 2. Leukocytes. 3. Thrombocytes. Which of the following nutrients can be stored in the body for extended periods of time? Fill in the blank: are epidermal cells that play a role in the immune res...
a. leukocytes b. erythrocytes c. thrombocytes d. monocytes Which cell can be derived from both the lymphoid and myeloid progenitor cells? What is blood cell formation and which formed element is a true cell? Platelets are formed from what cells? A. ...
E. stem cells Blood Background: Blood is composed mainly of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells) suspended in blood plasma. Blood plasma is 91% water, 7% protein, 2% other solutes, and 1% electrolytes. Blood is responsible...