A concave lens is called a diverging lens as it diverges the light as it thicker at the edges and hasa small depression in its centreand if it will be thicker in the middle than at the edges it will converge the light so as concave lens have a small depression in its centre so it r...
As for the features of a convex lens, which is not trueA.It is thicker at the centreB..An object held close to it appears magnified.C.When it is moved, the objects seen through it move in the opposite direction.D.An object seen through it appears minifie
As for the features of a concave lens, which is true ( )A.It is thicker at the centreB.An object held close to it appears magnified.C.When it is moved, the objects seen through it move in the opposite direction.D.An object seen through it appears minifie
2. Behavior of Convex Lens: - A convex lens is thicker in the middle and thinner at the edges. When parallel rays of light pass through a convex lens, they converge (come together) at a point known as the focal point. Hint: Remember that convex lenses are used in magnifying glasses ...
Lens flares are more visible in the blue channel, as shown inside the blue box in (d). Atrophy and diabetic retinopathy affected areas are more clearly visible in the green channel as shown inside the green boxes in (g,k). As shown inside the blue box in (l), the blue channel is ...
Moreover, thick vessels are marked by thinner lines, and thin vessels are marked by thicker lines in many places of reference masks. Even in some reference masks, clearly visible thin vessels are not marked as shown in Figure A7. Figure A7. A fundus photograph of the UoA-DR data set ...