Since the array is increasing first & then decreasing so the maximum element would be the last one in the increasing series & the first one in the decreasing series. SO we can ignore the increasing part and check if the next element is decreasing or not. As soon as we find...
A decade ago, engineers developed red and blue LEDs, which were regarded as a milestone in this research.
The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will be a govern- ment which is truly by the consent of the governed. No government can be invested with a higher dignity and greater worth than one based upon the prin- ciple of consent. The people of the United States and the people of Puerto Rico are...
which has to be greater than the 1st of February in 2018 and did not exist in the previous a dereferencing operator used to dereference keys in JSON objects, array values can be accessed as shown looping over the values or through specifying an index, starting with zero:array[...
The query opens a database/resource in a specific revision based on a timestamp (2019–04–13T16:24:27Z) and searches for all statuses, which have a created_at timestamp, which has to be greater than the 1st of February in 2018 and did not exist in the previous revision. . is a ...
The query opens a database/resource in a specific revision based on a timestamp (2019–04–13T16:24:27Z) and searches for all statuses, which have a created_at timestamp, which has to be greater than the 1st of February in 2018 and did not exist in the previous revision. . is a ...