The most obvious difference between these two kinds of milk is that one comes from water buffaloes (not bison), and the other comes from dairy cows.India and Pakistan are the largest buffalo milk producers in the world, whereas the USA is the largest cow milk supplier. LikeA2 milk, buffalo...
aThe california Gold Rush of 1848-1849 further spurred western migration. new railway made relocation easier for settlers and increased conficts with Natives Amreicans. Over a half-century, up to 40 million American bison, or buffalo, were slaughtered for skins and meat and to ease the railway...
The debate about whether or not to eat meat is ongoing but among those who do choose to eat meat, there’s another layer of controversy: Is it really better for you and for the environment to eat grass-fed meat, rather than conventionally raised grain-fed meat? The answer is an unequivo...
While they’re far too light (and not legal) for use on thick-skinned dangerous game like Cape Buffalo and elephant, you could use any of these cartridges to hunt other really big species of game like elk,moose, bison,African plains game, and even brown bear (Roy Lindsley us...