iievtfetfer, tiiat the intfentieit is net iimited te the preeise aivaitgeinents and instrumentaíities siiewit. 1111M11 in tiie drawiiigs: 11111121 Fig. 1 is a perspective vievv' of a BHD iiamnter in aeeertiaitee With a preferredeinbeciíment ef tiie piesent inventien; tüttiš...
The active substance apparently is a bacteriocin-like protein with a molecular mass of 1.5 kDa. The activity of this bacteriocin was stable at pH 3.0–10.0 and temperatures up to 100 ◦C for 60 min but was inactivated by proteinase K, trypsin or pronase E. The bacteriocin lost its ...
Technical accessibility in this sense is the means of achieving fundamental, "real" accessibility. It is built around the intellectual or around a basic human activity, from which technical accessibility was detached as an independent action, which, however, is incomprehensible without fundamental ...