which || event.keyCode; // event.keyCode is used for IE8 and earlier document.getElementById("demo2").innerHTML = "Unicode KEY code: " + key; } 按键盘上的 "a" 键(不使用 Capslock)时,char 和key 的结果将是: Unicode CHARACTER code: 97Unicode KEY code: 65 亲自试一试 » ...
我认为 event.key.charCodeAt() 可以替代 event.which ,但这不适用于 ALT , CTRL 或 ENTER 等键,并且只有在 event.key.length === 1 :
针对你遇到的错误“cannot set property keycode of #<keyboardevent> which has only a getter”,我们可以按照以下步骤来分析和解决问题: 1. 解释错误信息 错误信息表明你尝试设置KeyboardEvent对象的keyCode属性,但这个属性只有getter方法,没有setter方法,因此不能被直接设置。在JavaScript中,一些对象的属性被设计为只...
根据W3C的标准,which属性已被弃用。建议使用event.key或event.code属性替代。 总结 KeyboardEvent which属性可用于确定哪个按键触发了键盘事件。虽然该属性已被弃用,但仍然可以使用,直到将其替换为event.key或event.code。 ###HTML | KeyboardEvent which 属性在HTML中,`KeyboardEvent`对象代表触发键盘事件的按键。`whic...
JavaScript KeyboardEventInit.which According to MDN, the KeyboardEventInit dictionary which is used to pass values to a new instance of KeyboardEvent through its constructor new KeyboardEvent(init) includes the which field as one of the allowed initialization values. KeyboardEvent on MDN However, in...
event.whichReturns:Number Description:For key or mouse events, this property indicates the specific key or button that was pressed. version added:1.1.3event.which Theevent.whichproperty normalizesevent.keyCodeandevent.charCode. It is recommended to watchevent.whichfor keyboard key input. For more ...
e = e ||window.event;varbutton = (typeofe.which !="undefined") ? e.which : e.button;if(button ==1) { alert("Left mouse button down"); } }; Run Code Online (Sandbox Code Playgroud) 有关完整分析,我建议Jan Wolter关于JavaScript鼠标事件的文章. ...
This is a JavaScript libary which allows you to have comple control over a user's cursor. The cursor is however, virtual, so you cannot use it to switch tabs. - GitHub - Fighter178/FakeCursor: This is a JavaScript libary which allows you to have comple
-- Script to return Unicode Value. --><script>functionMyEvent(event){vare = event.which;document.getElementById("test").innerHTML ="Unicode value of the pressed key is:"+ e; }</script></body></html> 输出: 单击按钮后 支持的浏览器:...
dispatchEvent(event); 在上述代码中,通过创建一个新的KeyboardEvent对象,并设置which属性为65,表示按下A键。然后,通过调用document.dispatchEvent(event)方法触发事件。 这种编程触发带有which属性的keydown事件的应用场景包括但不限于: 自动化测试:在编写自动化测试脚本时,可以使用这种方式模拟用户按下不同的键,以...