Which of the following is not a characteristic of animals? A) multicellularity B) heterotrophy C) active movement D) cell walls. Animals: Animals are an extremely diverse kingdom in the domain Eukaryota. The kingdom Animalia consists of...
Which of the following is an example of a deuterostome? (a) lophotrochozoan (b) coral (c) chordate (d) planarian flatworm (e) insect Deuterostomes: Deuterostomes are organisms that during embryonic development, the anus will de...
Coelomic lining is the innermost layer of the peritoneum, which is a membrane that lines the abdominal cavity. The coelomic lining helps to protect the organs and tissues in your abdomen from harmful substances in your blood.Answer and Expla...
The strategy used by some piscivorous cone snails to capture their prey: the effects of their venoms on vertebrates and on isolated neuromuscular preparations prey used a mixture of toxins which target both pre-and postsynaptic elements of the neuromuscular junction and which produce rapid immobilizatio...
illustrations giving examples using sub-layers comparisons or constrasts
Antarctica as a Center of Origin of Birds Archaeornis). An anatomical feature, characteristic of birds, and not reported for either of these forms, is a well-developed sternum (Wetmore, 1951). Since this is an important avian characteristic, neither of these bird-like animals sh... FH Glen...
Subse-quently, spectrins were demonstrated in cells of allvertebrates. Further studies revealed that spectrinsare members of the subfamily that is a member ofthe family of spectrin-α-actinin-dystrophin, charac-terised by the presence of multipleα-helical tan-dem ~ 110 amino acid residue ...
However, in a motor neuron cell line, NSC34, E478G mutant of OPTN but not E50K and M98K induced cell death. We conclude that 661W is a retinal ganglion precursor-like cell line, which shows properties of both retinal ganglion and photoreceptor cells. We suggest that these cells could ...
Prof. Lloyd Williams was a great teacher and a true naturalist. He en- deared himself to his students, and in them his enthusiasm for the subject is reflected. To him, the field of Nature was the great laboratory, and work indoors was a corollary to that primary mode of investigation. ...
Which of the following is not characteristic of birds? a) hollow bones b) amnion c) ectothermy d) high metabolic rate e) reptilian-like scales on legs Which characteristic makes birds different from all other vertebrates? a. they ca...