Tenyks - Service oriented IRC bot using Redis and JSON for messaging. Stars:176. larry - Larry 🐦 is a really simple Twitter bot generator that tweets random repositories from Github built in Go. Stars:162. hanu - Framework for writing Slack bots. Stars:155. go-tgbot - Pure Golang Te...
The MyIP port can be used as a TAP-device or via "promiscuous-mode".After you have started `myip', a 'myip' network device has appeared. Of course, your "local IP address" must be configured (remote is the MyIP instance, local is the Linux system; so for the example.ini: 192.168....
to the closed messenger apps of the time. This means that anyone can implement an XMPP service. More recently it has beenstandardizedby theInternet Engineering Task Force (IETF), and it has become a popular choice for messaging apps. Today it is used by the likes of WhatsApp and Converse....
Self-hosting is the practice of locally hosting and managing applications instead of renting fromSaaSSproviders. This is a list ofFreeSoftwarenetwork servicesandweb applicationswhich can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on theNon-Freepage. SeeContributing. ^ back to top ^ Source Cod...
Python is used in Facebook infrastructure management and multiple services, including Facebook Ads API and a Python Async IRCbot framework. Google: Google uses Python in its scripting work because of its simplicity and efficiency. Google replaced its java-based first web-crawling spider with Python...
Opera is not available in Linux distros repository like Chromium & Firefox, so you need to download from Operadownload page. Positives – Opera has many built-in features that in other browsers we install plugins for. Opera has integrated BitTorrent,email, RSS, and even IRC features. ...
Eonza - Eonza is used to create scripts and automate tasks on servers or VPS hosting. Manage your servers from any browser on any device. (Source Code) MIT Go Exadel CompreFace - Face recognition system that provides REST API for face recognition, face detection, and other face services, ...
GNUnet - Free software framework for decentralized, peer-to-peer networking. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 C Gotify - Self-hosted notification server with Android and CLI clients, similar to PushBullet. (Source Code, Clients) MIT Go/Docker Hawkpost - HawkPost is a web app that lets you create uniq...
GNUnet - Free software framework for decentralized, peer-to-peer networking. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 C Gotify - Self-hosted notification server with Android and CLI clients, similar to PushBullet. (Source Code, Clients) MIT Go Hawkpost - HawkPost is a web app that lets you create unique link...
Eonza - Eonza is used to create scripts and automate tasks on servers or VPS hosting. Manage your servers from any browser on any device. (Demo, Source Code) MIT Go Exadel CompreFace - Face recognition system that provides REST API for face recognition, face detection, and other face servi...