2 days ago Should You Switch To a Vegan Diet? 2 days ago What Should I Try? 3 days ago What Color Matches Your Personality? 3 days ago Do You Light Up The Room? 3 days ago How Xennial Are You?3 days ago Makeup Quiz: What Makeup Suits You B... 4 days ago Which Spring Drink...
Pull Request template: additions should not already be listed at dbdb… May 10, 2023 AUTHORS.md update AUTHORS.md (make contrib) May 6, 2023 LICENSE add CreativeCommons CC-BY-SA 3.0 license Jun 4, 2015 Makefile tools: remove obsolete test tooling + add CI badge (awesome-selfhoste… Jan...
37K The development of good reading habits in students starts with learning strategies to combat nerves, bad habits, and disinterest. Learn more about the strategies to use before, during, and after reading, as well as how to develop criti...
HttPlaceholder lets you specify what the request should look like and what response needs to be returned. MIT C# ICEcoder - ICEcoder is a web IDE / browser based code editor, which allows you to develop websites directly within the web browser. (Demo, Source Code) MIT PHP JS Bin - ...
Learning and development is the process that helps to grow and build our personality. To change the behavior and cultivate a positive attitude, learning is essential. When an individual acquires more knowledge, it tends to develop its skills and abilities. The learning and...
Which Place in the World? Espace Pty Ltd Puzzle & trivia 3+ In-Game Purchases Do you enjoy challenging and fun word games? Do you like travelling and sightseeing? Free+Offers in-app purchases Get Which Place in the World? Overview Free+...
Imposter Fix: Experts should recognize there’s never an end to knowledge! So, instead of always accumulating more knowledge/skills, try to accumulate them only when needed. This means focusing 100% on accumulating one skill instead of dividing your attention to learn everything. For example, su...
When everyone had a seat and the actual SAT I booklet in front of them, the proctor of the test called for our attentions. “In front of you, you should have a SAT I test and a scantron(答题卡). Please do not open the test booklet until I say so.” He then went on to talk ...
I also take you through a Purpose Discovery Exercise so you can either discover your true purpose in life, or gain more clarity on what you think you should be doing and strengthen your determination to make it happen and follow through all the way. What you learn from Better Than a Bad...
Upload and organize your sheets for any kind of instrument. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Go Stash - A web-based library organizer and player for your adult media stash, with auto-tagging and metadata scraping support. (Source Code) AGPL-3.0 Go üWave ⚠ - üWave is a self-hosted collaborative...