Which Republicans Voted for the Border Security Amendment? (Posted 2013-06-27 00:36:54)Ed O'Keefe
Voted for Trump 2016 (%) 0.966** (0.011) 0.003 Community health (0–100) 1.032* (0.013) 0.011 Constant 0.000** (0.000) 0.000 0.000** (0.000) 0.015 N 2818 2818 Pseudo R2 0.074 Log likelihood −441.303 Note: Logistic Regression Results * p < 0.05, **p < 0.01. a N = 2684 cities...
Whichever candidate receives at least 270 Electoral College votes will win the White House. And because voters in certain states can typically be expected to vote either solidly Democratic or Republican – New York for Democrats, and Alabama for Republicans, for example – states whose electoral vot...
aOf course, there was not much to separate an independent who voted for most or all of the Republicans in the general election from a voter who registered as a Republican at the last moment, which in Connecticut at that time was as late as noon on the last business day preceding the pri...
related: How Many House Republicans Who Voted To Impeach Trump Will Survive The Midterms? Read more. » nrakich: I’m not sure that what is popular with the public is going to determine what stays and what goes, though. To Lee’s point, it’s all about what’s palatable to these...
Democrats over Republicans on education issues by a minimum of six points; on average, the Democratic advantage was just under 14 points. But in March 2022, when Rasmussen asked 1,000 likely voters, "[w]hich party do you trust more to deal with education issues, Democrats or Republicans?"...
Senate majority to Republicans who are more likely to support Trump’s ideas. The post-election majority in the U.S. House of Representatives won’t be clear until later this week when all the votes are counted. In the U.S Senate, the filibuster still does require 60 votes to pass all...
Joe Biden won New Hampshire by seven points, but Republicans flipped the state house and senate and kept the governor's mansion. When it comes to voting laws, the state House is considering proposals that would eliminate Election Day voter registration, and would prohibit students from using thei...
everybody’s doing it” doesn’t justify the sin, even though everybodyisdoing it–at least among the makers of America’s laws. In the U.S. Congress, corruption is the only activity enjoyed equally by Democrats and Republicans. Take San Fran Nan, for example, the Mouth of the House:...
I picked this one because this is the way Republicans hold the House I think … Strong incumbents like Comstock survive by saying that they are not part of the broader party (shevoted against Obamacare repeal, for example). Incumbents hold onto some districts that are drawn favorably toward ...