Security is the most important factor in the case of any kind of web hosting. Most web hosting providers promise in providing the best security services. Many hosting firms offer daily or weekly backups for the safety of your website. The Hostgator and Godaddy also help in keeping your web...
The minimum space offering is 10 GB Free email hosting for an unlimited number of accounts Free email migrator to move your emails, including the messages from your former host Free CDN services Performance and security plugins to save you the budget you could have spent on that Free website ...
When it comes to choosing a web hosting provider for resource-demanding projects, A2 and SiteGround are parts of the top choices. These web hosts use the best performance technologies to create the perfect hosting environments for traffic-heavy sites and big projects. However, since we cannot use...
1. Premium Shared Hosting:If you want to install multiple websites on a single hosting account, this is the ideal choice for you. This plan costs you$2.69 per month(when you use the coupon ANILAGARWAL) and gives you access to the following features. Install Up to 100 Websites Free domai...
We know that too many images can be a reason for slow loading webpage. I was thinking that what is the best photo hosting site for BlogSpot?
You can even opt for an optional $30 migration service, which is not a bad deal if you’d like to have the whole thing handled by professionals. The user-friendly dashboard comes with a set of customized site tools and even allows you to offer hosting services to your own clients. ...
From free CDN to email marketing tool, Bluehost offers many freebies to give you a perfect start. It constantly monitors security events to detect and block hacking attempts if any. Free malware scan is another advantage of Bluehost shared hosting plans. It will also back up your site daily...
Serverless computing is a low-cost model compared to conventional hosting. Firstly, it doesn’t require any on-premises infrastructure installation or maintenance cost. Secondly, such a platform only bills you for used backend resources. The majority of these hosting providers offer a pay-as-you-...
Shopify is better than Bluehost for those looking for integrated ecommerce tools, powerful checkout function, reliable security, guaranteed uptime, and more. Bluehost was built for hosting all kinds of websites, whereas Shopify was built specifically for online stores. Those looking to build a co...
To Bluehost's credit, we think it's support services are more organized than HostGator's. Bluehost's user interface is also cleaner and more professional. WordPress also recommends Bluehost. If you'd like to sign up for a web hosting plan with Bluehost, you're in luck:Get up to 63%...