Who were the generals that died at Gettysburg? Who led the Union army during the Battle of Gettysburg? Who led the Confederate army in the Battle of Gettysburg? What war was the Battle of Gettysburg in? Who was the Confederate general in the Battle of Antietam? What generals fought in the...
Scafetta N (2012) Corrigendum to Testing an astronomically based decadal-scale empirical harmonic climate model versus the general circulation climate models [J. Atmos. Sol.–Terr. Phys. (2012) 124–137]. Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 80:347. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ja...
The radical demand for the right to a garden as part of the post-war covenant is much less well-known. Thanks toBehind the Privet Hedge, Michael Gilson’s newly history of the enthusiastic gardening movement that accompanied the public housing movement between the wars, that lack has now been...
While the Battle of Atlanta, the main railroad hub in the South, began on July 22, 1864, it was not until September 2 that the Union General Sherman was able to take control of the city. Even though he had few supplies at the conclusion of the siege, Sherman decided to lead his arm...
Nixon then sent troops across the border in 1970, taking advantage of a coup that ousted Sihanouk in favor of a pro-American general. U.S. bombs killed tens of thousands of Cambodians, which, some historians contend, may have increased popular support for the Khmer Rouge, a communist ...
The office, after reviewing an 18-month investigation by the Interior Department’s inspector general, said it found no ethics violations by Griles in the department’s awarding of more than $1.6 million i contracts in 2001 and 2002 to Advanced Power Technologies Inc., a former client. Interior...
Why didn't the border states secede during the Civil War? What are the causes of the Civil War, why the Union won, and whether reconstruction was a success? The problems and advantages of each side in the war, and ultimately why the Union Army was ...
Axis army assaulted Soviet Union in 1941.6.22 . In the begginning 6 months Germen nearly won the war but the heroic red army lastly beat them in Moscow with the help of Soviet people, and then stopped their attack in Starlingrad in the spring of 1943 , which became the turning p[...
Jack Welch’’s famous law for re-engineering General Electric was to be first or second in any given product category, or else get out of that business. But if the government isn’’t doing a particular job at peak level, it doesn’’t always have the option of relieving itself of ...
“The world we have made as a result of the level of thinking we have done thus far creates problems we cannot solve at the same level of thinking at which we created them.”— Albert Einstein