The second FINAL FANTASY game focuses on four war-orphaned heroes: Firion, Maria, Guy and Leon. The group becomes embroiled in a conflict between the hostile Empire of Palamecia and the rebel resistance, with the fate of the whole world hanging in the balance. Combat is once again turn-base...
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is widely accepted as one of the most beginner-friendly MMOs. During its opening hours – and even beyond – it does a great job of introducing new features and mechanics so that new players are able to engage in everything its sprawling world has to off...
We often read in novels how a seemingly respectable person or family has some terrible secret which has been concealed from strangers for years. 表面上道貌岸然的人或有声望的家庭,却有着骇人听闻,多年不让人知道的秘密,这样的事情我们经常在小说里读到. 《用法词典》 A lie which is half a truth ...
He made his professional stage debut in 2006 and has since appeared in numerous productions, most notably Death of a Salesman on Broadway, for which he received a Tony Award nomination. His performance in the National Theatre's production of Angels in America garnered him the prestigious...
Monarch Mind Control is a form of mind control which creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave persona
Women are moving into jobs that they have never had a chance to do before. Society is changing but there is a lot of resistance to women working as their roles shift from housewives to workers. As a group I loved all the main characters, they worked together, taught each other and lent...
Drew:This was tricky because on most spreads, in a single setting, you have each character doing their own thing and the text has to both explain what that is while also fitting on the page somewhere near them. There are pages where you have to read things in a certain order and other...
He made his professional stage debut in 2006 and has since appeared in numerous productions, most notably Death of a Salesman on Broadway, for which he received a Tony Award nomination. His performance in the National Theatre's production of Angels in America garnered him the prestigious...
Elon Muskhas built some of the world’s most valuable companies, from Tesla to SpaceX. A key driver of his success is a relentless focus on solving problems fast, often by working directly with the engineers or coders who’ve gotten stuck, Marc Andreessen says. ...
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