Eclipse Che - Open source workspace server and cloud IDE. (Source Code) EPL-1.0 Docker/Java Gitpod - Online IDE for GitHub and GitLab. (Demo, Source Code) EPL-2.0 Typescript/Go/Docker Hakatime - WakaTime server implementation with analytics dashboard. Unlicense Haskell ICEcoder - ICEcoder ...
Eclipse Che - Open source workspace server and cloud IDE. (Source Code) EPL-1.0 Docker/Java Gitpod - Online IDE for GitHub and GitLab. (Demo, Source Code) EPL-2.0 Go/Docker Hakatime - WakaTime server implementation with analytics dashboard. Unlicense Haskell HttPlaceholder - Quickly mock awa...
This is a list ofFreeSoftwarenetwork servicesandweb applicationswhich can be hosted locally. Non-Free software is listed on theNon-Freepage. SeeContributing. ^ back to top ^ Source Code)AGPL-3.0 - connect to over 18 types of databases (SQL and "NoSQL"), query your data, visualize it an...
代码示例来源:origin: org.eclipse.hudson.main/hudson-remoting public boolean preloadJar(ClassLoader local, Class... classesInJar) throws IOException, InterruptedException { URL[] jars = new URL[classesInJar.length]; for (int i = 0; i < classesInJar.length; i++) { jars[i] = Which.jarFi...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...
FHEM - FHEM is used to automate common tasks in the household like switching lamps and heating. It can also be used to log events like temperature or power consumption. You can control it via web or smartphone frontends, telnet or TCP/IP directly. (Source Code) GPL-3.0 Perl Gladys - Gl...