These enzymes belong to class I α- mannosidases, which harbor a conserved domain PF01532. A thorough retrieval of sequences containing PF01532 was conducted, and the results indicated that genes in this family are present not only in plants and animals, but also in fungi. Phylogeny ...
Sequences encoding the catalytic domain may for example be the catalytic domain of the satellite DNA of the SCMo virus (Davies et al., Virology 177 (1990), 216-224) or that of the satellite DNA of the TobR virus (Steinecke et al., EMBO J. 11 (1992), 1525-1530; Haseloff and Gerla...
The region (starting from residue 137) adja-cent to the detected spectrin repeat segment (30Ð136) also shows a limited similarity to the SH3 do-main (the domain is found to show 9 identical and13 homologous residues to SH3; Fig. 1, line A4.1).The other sequence in this group is...
this is the “home” of “vin Jaune” also made from 100%Savagnin grape, It does not have the same deep dry sherry quality of proper vin jaune, as it is not left to oxidise under a film of yeast, known as thevoile, on the wine’s surface for almost six years but rather undergoes...
43. These enzymes belong to class I α-mannosidases, which harbor a conserved domain PF01532. A thorough retrieval of sequences containing PF01532 was conducted, and the results indicated that genes in this family are present not only in plants and animals, but also in fungi. Phylogeny ...
ILG1isnotsimilarto anyknowngene.Attheproteinlevel,ILG1has58%sim- ilaritytointegrasesfromthecrypticP4bacteriophagefam- ily(Sclade).ThecatalyticdomainofILG1containsthe Addresscorrespondenceandreprintrequeststo:CharlesC.Chu, NorthShore-LIJResearchInstitute,350CommunityDr., Manhasset,NY11030.Phone:(516)562-...
To investigate if TaTDRL has a transcriptional activation activity, the CDS of TaTDRL was fused to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain (GAL4-BD) and the resulting construct was transformed into yeast strain Y2H. The reporter genes of HIS3, ADE2, and MEL1 were expressed in the yeast cells ...
To investigate if TaTDRL has a transcriptional activation activity, the CDS of TaTDRL was fused to the GAL4 DNA-binding domain (GAL4-BD) and the resulting construct was transformed into yeast strain Y2H. The reporter genes of HIS3, ADE2, and MEL1 were expressed in the yeast cells ...