Docker-Compose: service "xxx" depends on undefined service "xxx": invalid compose project Related 27 docker-compose up -d <name>; No such service: <name> 0 Docker Compose Dependencies 2 docker-compose unable to resolve service 4 Docker Cannot start service as already exists ...
DockerCompose中,用于定义服务配置的文件是什么? A. Dockerconfig B. Composefile C. Servicefile D. Docker-compose。yml 查看完整题目与答案 以下不属于传统跨境支付所面临的痛点是( )? A. 手续费高 B. 效率低 C. 适用人群多 D. 流程繁琐 查看完整题目与答案 在区块链系统中,以下哪个任务通...
docker-compose up -d 报错: DETAIL: The data directory was initialized by PostgreSQL version 10, which is not compatible with this version 12.6 (Debian 12.6-1.pgdg100+1). 原因:docker compose将按名称重用卷(这样就不会丢失数据)。移动主要的postgres版本时,您必须将数据迁移到新卷,如果那里没有任何...
If you have a very sophisticated Docker Compose setup (or you even deploy to production with the help of Docker Compose), you won't get a replacement with the new set of tools. But if none of these two points apply, you will hardly notice a difference after switching from Docker. But ...
The Docker Compose project had also not been idle. In 2021, the Docker Compose project unveiled a complete rewrite of the tool in Go, called Docker Compose v2.0 (older, v1.x versions are often calleddocker-compose, while v2.x are calleddocker compose). The rewrite required additional effor...
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A. DockerCompose B. Kubernetes C. DockerSwarm D. DockerEngine 查看完整题目与答案 区块链成就保险普惠,是因为区块链具有“普惠”属性,为低收入人群以及小微企业带来福音,可以帮助实现( ) A. 更低保费 B. 更易获取 C. 成就普惠 D. 不适合面向大型企业的保险业务 E. 不适合面向中小客户...
MixewayHub - parent project which contain docker-compose and one click instalation Mixeway Backend Description: Mixeway Backend is a spring boot application that serves REST API both for UserInterface and independent tools for scan creation and runs. Backend application also contains vulnerability sca...
Docker and Docker-compose FRONTEND_URL=https://localhost KEYALIAS=localhost TRUSTPASS=changeit P12PASS=changeit PROFILE=prod CERTIFICATE=/pki/cert.crt PRIVATEKEY=/pki/private.key VAULT_ENABLED=false Description and other options are described in details in the linked documentation ...