aquestions asked to probe for reasons underlying the problems revealed four main reasons: most tender documents received are rushed and put together in a hurry; reluctance of client to invest money in getting good quality documents; ignorance (client just does not know what to do); and incompete...
-Which do you prefer, a bottle of orange or a bottle of milk?, thanks. I' d like a cup of tea.2. There are trees on side of the road.3. Children, hol d the bottle with your right hand. Tommy, you are not correct. Please use your r hand.4. If our parents do everything ...
Activity 1 Answer the following questions. 1. Which do you prefer to visit, natural or man-made wonders? Why? 2. What type of traveller are you? There is more than one answer. \Box adventure tourist (You like exciting activities during the journey.) \Box backpacker (You like low-cost ...
1、You love that but I love which.你喜欢这个,而我喜欢这个。2、Which do you prefer, this or that?你更喜欢哪个,这个还是那个?3、Which festival do you like?你喜欢哪一个节日?
1、QUEST You use which in questions when there are two or more possible answers or alternatives.哪一个 (用于疑问句,表示选择)2、"You go down that passageway over there."—"Which one?"“你顺着那边的过道走。”—“哪个过道?”3、Which vitamin supplements are good for you?哪种...
对于第一个问题 “Which do you prefer to visit, natural or man - made wonders?”,答案因人而异。如果你喜欢自然的美景,例如山川湖泊、森林瀑布等,你可以回答 “I prefer to visit natural wonders.”(我更喜欢参观自然奇观)。如果你对人类创造的伟大建筑或者工程感兴趣,像长城、金字塔之类的,就可以说 “I...
1. I prefer to visit natural wonders because they offer a sense of awe and wonder that man-made structures often can't replicate. Experiencing the beauty and power of nature firsthand is a truly humbling and inspiring experience. 2. As an adventure tourist, I crave thrilling experiences and...
The word "which" can also be used to ask questions about a specific choice or option. 这个词“which”也可以用来询问关于特定选择或选项的问题。 "Which color do you prefer, red or blue?" “你喜欢哪种颜色,红色还是蓝色?” In non-restrictive clauses, "which" provides additional, non-essential...
—Which do you prefer, tea or coffee? —I don’t care. is OK. ……【查看更多】 题目列表(包括答案和解析) Answer the questions (根据短文内容回答下列问题) I’ve always wanted to try rock climbing, but never had time or money for it. But I’ve discovered a way to experience the thril...