19 Diagram 10 shows the position of an object in front of a convex lens. Which ray diagram is correct?Rajah 10 menunjukkan kedudukan objek di hadapan kant a cembung. Rajah sinar yang C Object Objek个3 F 2F? F0 F 2 F 3F Diagram 10Rajah 10Object Object AC』2F FF一2F。2F FB Objec...
scentre. E. agreatersumofgravitationalpotentialenergyandkineticenergy. 4. Anobjectisthrownverticallyupwardandexperiencesanairresistanceopposingitsmotionwithmagnitudeproportionaltoitsspeed.Whichofthefollowinggraphsbestrepresentsthevariationoftheacceleration,a,oftheobjectwithtime,t,startingfromthemomentwhentheobjectleaves...
A light-converging optical system has an objective lens arranged at a position to be opposite to an optical information recording medium and including at least one plastic lens, and an aberration correcting element provided on an optical path between the light source and the objective lens and str...