Anaphora. Anaphora describes a poem that repeats the same phrase at the beginning of each line. ... Conceit. A conceit is, essentially, an extended metaphor. ... Apostrophe. ... Metonymy & Synecdoche. ... Enjambment & End-Stopped Lines. ... ...
“She was a girl who excited the emotions, but I was not one to let my heart rule my head.” Which best describes the rhetorical figure of the italicized part? A、 Simile B、Metaphor C、Metonymy D、Personification
Most commentators use the translation given here, since it fits the prophet’s description of an agricultural year plagued by winter drought and a spring locust infestation. 1:18–19 In figurative language, Joel describes how the insufficient winter rain, the locust invasions, and summer’s heat...
its speech and petition rights as it campaigned for the passage of the initiative that would allow the company to get into business in the first place as a casino," he said. (此文选自 The Washington Post)Which of the following best describes the author"s development of argument(Passage ...
In The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, what mood does Washington Irving create when he describes the setting? What is the overall mood of The Cask of Amontillado? How did Truman Capote write? How did Truman Capote influence Harper Lee? What mood ...
A.Negotiation is a passive process of giving and taking.B.Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving.C.Negotiation is a voluntary process of giving and taking.D.Negotiation is a passive process of taking.39.Which of the following statement best describes negotiation process? A.It is neither ...
Things Fall Apartis a 1958 novel by Nigerian author Chinua Achebe. The main character, named Okonkwo, departs his village and later returns to find the arrival of European colonizers and Christian missionaries. The novel describes significant changes brought about by the contact of indige...
Because science carries us toward an understanding of how the world i,rather than how we would wish it to b,its findings may not in all cases be immediately comprehensible or satisfying.It may take a little work to restructure our mindsets.Some of science is very simple.When it gets complic...