Credit url: 80° PUBG Lifetime Stats Reveal 75M Units Sold, 16.3 Billion Hours Played With Over 150.7M Players excaliburps|647d ago|News|0| ▼ PUBG lifetime stats released in honor of its sixth birthday reveal that it has sold 75M units in 242 countrie...
When PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds had its first moment of breakout success on Steam, I was there, not understanding how to play, but having fun driving around the huge map on a motorbike anyway. Conceptually I loved it, and I wanted to enjoy it. Everyth
PUBG is big news in online multiplayer gaming, but what are the Android minimum specs required to play? Read on to find out what you will need.
PUBG is big news in online multiplayer gaming, but what are the Android minimum specs required to play? Read on to find out what you will need.
It runs apps with a lightning speed that makes it so comfortable if you are playing games like Call of Duty or PUBG Mobile on PC. If you are more of a person who likes to play with your custom controls and customization then it is perfect for you. You will get your hands on these ...
PUBG is big news in online multiplayer gaming, but what are the Android minimum specs required to play? Read on to find out what you will need.
PUBG is big news in online multiplayer gaming, but what are the Android minimum specs required to play? Read on to find out what you will need.