President Trump also took steps to restore American borders and to attenuate the illegal immigration carnival that was making a mockery of US citizenship — and to shut the door on the world’s criminals, terrorists, drug lords, and saboteurs. On Inauguration Day, there were tears from Trump’...
Generally speaking, there are two main forces at play: (1) “pullfactors” or “where to go”, which attract the student to immigrate to the host country, and (2) “pushfactors” or “whether to go”, which drive the student to emigrate from the home country (e.g., Giddens et al....
Many of these supported legislation from Senator John McCain that would open a path to citizenship to immigrants who were already in the country illegally. Proposed legislation from other politicians called for stricter measures-including rounding up undocumented immigrants and sending them back to their...
As a way to ensure trustworthiness Taltioni in its Data Protection Agreement disclose the kind of information that is going to be collected and stored in the platform (name, email address, language, citizenship). Taltioni also states that information such as identification number and name are ...