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{"Standard cost code", Int64.Type}, {"Contribution margin", Int64.Type}, {"Sales campaign", type text}, {"Product variant", type text}, {"Configuration number", Int64.Type}, {"Customer order categ", Int64.Type}, {"Address number", type text}, {"Future rate agreemen", type ...
2.1.408 Part 1 Section, listSeparator (List Separator for Field Code Evaluation) 2.1.409 Part 1 Section, noLineBreaksAfter (Custom Set of Characters Which Cannot End a Line) 2.1.410 Part 1 Section, noLineBreaksBefore (Custom Set Of Characters Which...
Rebecca is a name withHebrew originsand remained in the top 50 most popular for baby girls in the U.S. from 1948 all the way to 2001. Rebecca also has the distinct honor of being the title of abest-selling novel(a Gothic work by Dame Daphne du Maurier), which is still remembered an...
In my own country there is increasing repression of environmental protesters, with many peaceful protesters sent to prison; indefinite detention of asylum seekers with threats of expulsion to Rwanda; a direct challenge to the right to strike; voter suppression in elections; and persecution of Muslim...