The IAEA conducts Integrated Uranium Production Cycle Review (IUPCR) missions, which enable countries to improve their national uranium production programmes and the associated infrastructure. These missions allow to identify areas that require more focus or additional resources. The IAEA provides guidance ...
Cities like Seattle have diesel-electric(以柴油发动机发电的) buses—these can draw electric power from overhead wires or run on diesel when they are away from the wires. Giant mining trucks are often diesel-electric hybrids. Submarines are also hybrid vehicles — some are nuclear-electric and ...
中国将有5艘大型航母作战范围可达印度洋(Chinawillhave5 largeaircraftcarriers,whichcanreachtheIndiaocean) Chinawillhave5largeaircraftcarriers,operationalareas uptotheIndiaocean April23rd-Chineseisthepeople'sLiberationArmyNavywas founded64thanniversaryanniversary,75attachesfrom64 countriesoftheworldwereinvitedto...
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