If you are traveling for Thanksgiving, the following counties will be requiring masks in all public places.
Republicans and Democrats alike have assembled teams of lawyers to address any voting challenges surrounding the election. Since 2020, more than two dozen counties in eight states have tried to block certification of their elections — including in Arizona, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania. This year...
One of Maine's coastal counties, Knox County, and its county seat, Rockland, have along historyof economic development through natural resources, including a post-Revolutionary War limestone boom and post-Civil War granite industry boom. Shipbuilding, fishing, and seafood processing also thrived in ...
Kentucky, Montana, North Dakota, Arkansas, and Mississippihave coroners in all counties, but the state also has a state medical examiner. In Texas, justices of the peace may perform coroner duties. Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, Wyoming, South Dakota, Nebraska, and South Carolina have coroners in ...
(counties)," said Donna Lynne, the CEO of Denver Health.Lynne says the hospital cares for Coloradans from 62 of the 64 counties in the state, treating everyone regardless of whether they can pay."I think we're a Colorado treasure, and we'd like to be recognized as that,"...
Election officials have 30 days to check the validity of signatures. The group could qualify for additional time to circulate petitions if at least 75% of signatures are found to be valid, statewide and in the 50 counties. MISSOURI Missouri abortion rights advocates ...
3New York: New York City, Nassau, Suffolk, and Westchester counties= $16.00 4Oregon: Indexes hourly minimum wage rate to inflation. Nonurban counties= $13.20, Portland metro= $15.45 The District of Columbia has the highest minimum wage in the country, at $17 an hour. Next in line is Wa...
In part in response to rising rates of youth e-cigarette use, the Ohio Department of Health announced it would allocate $4 million for initiatives to curb vaping. Next:9 (tie). Colorado 3/13 Credit 9 (tie). Colorado Overall: 5.33%Adults 18-24: 13.5%High School: 26.2% Among the 37 ...
In 20 years the alfalfa weevil, Phytonomus posticus, has spread from an area near Salt Lake City, Utah, until it is now present in at least one or more counties of seven states, namely; Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, Idaho, Nevada, Oregon and... Newton J. H - 《Journal of Economic Ento...
In altering its name from Cal State, Hayward, to Cal State, East Bay, the university hoped to project its expanding role in two mostly suburban counties east of San Francisco. The University of Southern Colorado, a state institution, became Colorado State University at Pueblo two years ago,...