去年5月9日,淇县医药监督管理局工作人员在履行正常检查时,查出原告正在销售的药架上有过期药品和非法制剂,同时发现该门诊没有药品购进记录。对此,淇县药监局于去年7月29日,依据《中华人民共和国药品管理法》和《药品流通监管管理办法》,给原告申某下达了淇药行罚字(2002)第007号处罚决定书。 配制制剂须取得...
In the Modern Era,Western Europeanscolonised all parts of the continent, culminating in the Scramble for Africa in the late 19th century. Are any African countries still colonized? There aretwo African countries never colonized: Liberia and Ethiopia. Yes, these African countries never colonized. But...
South Africa is rich in mineral resources and is one of the five largest mineral resource countries in the world. There are more than 70 kinds of minerals that have been proven and mined. The reserves of platinum group metals, fluorspar and chromium rank first in the world, gold, vanadium,...
As红重出文品 马站作 》界the largest rainforest in the world. it plays mk维持地significant role in" maintaining" the fine balance o f the系统tkmi衡Earth's ecosystem he Amazon rainforest crosses into cight countries.T including Brazil and Peru. on the South America m准continent. With an ...
South Africa is the richest country in Africa. Some parts of the country are wealthy. Modern and well-developed roads are common everywhere. You can also spend a day in a large shopping mall or taste delicious seafood in a restaurant. Africa Continent Location The India Ocean lies to its 1...
What country has the longest border on the Arabian Sea? What continent is the Middle East part of? What is Saudi Arabia's main religion? Among Arab countries, what is unusual about Egypt? What country is west of India across the Arabian Sea? What countries are close to Dubai? What peni...
rearing their tops above the shallow sea.Finally the rock of St.Kilda(uninhabited since a year ago as it was too hard to reach)and then suddenly down we go, down, down, down, for there the real ocean begins and the last of the vast European and Asiatic continent, both submerged and ...
Most African countries were colonies until the 1960s, and they formed the Organization of African Union (now the African Union) not only to hasten independence for the continent but also to pressure South Africa to end apartheid. Although six European countries tried to coordinate their efforts ...
To augment our share of the colony trade beyond what it otherwise would be, is the avowed purpose of the monopoly. If our share of that trade were to be no greater with, than it would have been without the monopoly, there could have been no reason for establishing the monopoly. But ...
paradise, besides the usual luxury brands sold in luxurious malls with luxury air conditioning, you can buy almost everything. Singapore is also known as "Instant Asia" because it offers visitors a quick glimpse of the Asian cultures that immigrants have brought from all parts of the continent....