The swiss army knife for Magento developers, sysadmins and devops. The tool provides a huge set of well tested command line commands which save hours of work time. All commands are extendable by a module API. - netz98/n98-magerun
UPDATE (by @oliver; since does not fit in comment, but enough answers already): if you are on branch ABC then ABC will appear in the results of git branch -r --merged because the branch is not specified, so branch defaults to current branch, and a branch always qualifies as merged to...
Keep this process running always and execute other commands in a different terminal. Step 2 : Perform Autonomous exploration of the environment and generate the Map roslaunch ros_autonomous_slam autonomous_explorer.launch Run the Autonomous Explorer launch file which executes two tasks for us at the...
Here’s how this process looks: To create a new feature, you first branch the code from the trunk, i.e., take an exact copy of the trunk and place it into a new folder within the branches area. Then you work on your feature. When you’re done, you merge your changes back into ...
More on Software Engineering5 Git Commands That Don’t Get Enough Hype When to Use Git Rebase vs. Git Merge If the feature branch you are getting changes from is shared with other developers, then you should use merge. Rebasing is not recommended because the rebasing process will create incon...
commands misc notebook-installation anaconda dev-setup running-notebooks curated-list-of-deeplearning-blogs credits contributing contact-info licenseNEW LIST 2017 - 2020: Machine-Learning / Deep-Learning / AI -TutorialsHi - Thanks for dropping by! I will be updating this tutorials site on a daily...
cherry-pick commit C to make a second new commit; giving you what I like to draw, pictorially, as: A--B--C [abandoned] / ...--o--o--AB--C' <-- branch-name Here the A-B-C chain are the original three commits, with the last one drawn on the right (rather than top or...
creates a mind control slave by utilizing the human brain’s trauma response of dissociation to create a form of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) wherein various triggers can cause the slave personality to surface and respond to commands given by the master (“Handler” in Monarch parlance)....
Procedure to create Standard Base System Installer 1. Right Click on USB installer to "get info". Click the lock icon at the bottom and uncheck "Ignore Ownership"... Reveal hidden contents 2. Open terminal, type th...
Google Glass is a pair of glasses with an integrated computer that allows the user to see a head up display (HUD). The Glass can be controlled with voice commands or a side touchpad,... View Device InformationDEBIRI TACE The d rug-eluting bead, irinotecan ( DEBIRI) is designed for ...