The weakening of the immune system is heralded by one of three things: infections, inappropriate use of the immune system and cancer. The body needs a way to respond quickly to a foreign ...
Laudenslager found that the immune response was depressed be low norma1in the helpless rats but not in those that could turn off the electricity.What he has demonstrated,he believes,is that lack of contro1 over an event,not the experience itself,is what weakens the immune system, Other resea...
Cacioppo, a neuroscientist at the University of Chicago and coauthor of Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need for Social Connection. Studies have shown that loneliness can cause stress levels to rise and can weaken the immune system. Lonely people also tend to have less healthy lifestyles, ...
(It is importantforpeople who take clozapine to have regular blood tests because it can lower white bloodcellcounts,whichmight weaken the immune system if not detected. 备注:服用Clozapine的患者需要经常进行常规验血,因为该药物会影响白血球的生成数量。
C. weaken their immune system D. get rid of antibiotics 正确答案是B, 你没有回答这道题 收藏本题 收起解析 笔记 材料题 七 The Public Health System One of the biggest changes since 1990 is the degree to which bioterrorism has become a public health priority. Although there had long bee...
Some medications that suppress (weaken) the immune system, like Gengraf (cyclosporine).When taken with cyclosporine, armodafinil and modafinil lower the levels of cyclosporine in the body, making this medication less effective. Certain medications metabolized in the liver, such asPrilosec (omeprazole)...
第四段中有“…aging results in limited flow of blood in the lungs and also reduces the strength of the heartbeat.”。9.考查动词。第四段中有“The ability or the immune system to produce disease-fighting antibodies(抗体)is greatly reduced”。其中weaken/decrease与reduce同义。10.考查名词。最后一...
The panic which is generated by SARS will weaken our immune system which (39) us more susceptible to this dreaded disease. While SARS is known to be (40) through close personal contact, fear is transmitted through all forms of media, including email. Only an infected SARS patient can ...
Countless mechanisms have been developed by viruses to obstruct and weaken the innate immune response of the host organism. The enveloped, non-segmented, negative-strand RNA virus, measles virus (MeV), modifies the interferon response through various mechanisms, but no viral protein has yet been ...
Stress andanxiety can affect your sinuses indirectlyby increasing your susceptibility to a range of health issues that, in turn, worsen your sinus problems. Sustained stress can weaken your body's immune system, making you more vulnerable to the effects of allergens, as well as germs, bacteria,...