在想拉取最新的git代码时提示要输入远端分支。具体提示见以下: [root@cn-hxh-ope gamecode]#git pullYou arenotcurrently on a branch. Please specify which branch you want to merge with. See git-pull(1)fordetails. git pull<remote> <branch> 这里的原因是因为不在master分支,在tag或者其它分支上。...
git branch --set-upstream master origin/master 这样在我们每次想push或者pull的时候,只需要 输入git push 或者git pull即可。 在此之前,我们必须要指定想要push或者pull的远程分支。 git push origin master git pull origin master. 分类:php,svn,git ...
You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 图示: 二、报错原因 Git出现分支游离状态(detached head),detached head是一种HEAD指针指向了某一个具体的 commit id,而不是分支的情况。在这个状态下进行的commit不会对你的远程分...
简介:【Git异常】You are in ‘detached HEAD‘ state, which means that you‘re not on any branch Checkout a branch You are in 'detached HEAD' state, which means that you're not on any branch Checkout a branch to make update possible. 一、背景描述 使用IDEA编译器 更新项目时,居然更新不成...
Merge branch 'master' of git://github.com/mpld3/mpld3 into mpld3-master Aug 19, 2019 doc Use raw strings in re functions Oct 30, 2024 examples remove sklearn dependency Dec 23, 2023 icons add icons to repository Mar 18, 2014 ...
[Link text](URL 'Optional link title') [Beginner Git Commands](https://github.com/Kernix13/beginner-git-commands 'Basic Git commands repo') NOTE: Only use a title if it adds information. Don't set the title text to be the same as the link text. Here is a bold, italic and strike...
git报错There is no tracking information for the current branch. Please specify which branch you wan... 这是因为没有指定分支到git仓库上,想要使用git pull 和 git push命令来操作就要设置一下分支的信息。 git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/dev dev...
The following appears in theatlassian-fisheye.log: 2013-04-04 17:14:08,986 ERROR - Error removing local branch: [error: Cannot delete the branch 'the_branch_name' which you are currently on.] com.atlassian.utils.process.ProcessException: While executing:...
——— Cannot delete the branch 'test1' which you are currently on 很明显,正在使用test1分支,所以删不掉,现在切换一下,然后继续删,如图:
昨天新建的分支,今天一大早来拉代码,git pull 输入之后等着他给我返回当前是最新代码呢,结果,哗哗哗出来一堆,得嘞,继新建分支和推送到远程之后的另一个问题出现了。 $ git pull Thereisno tracking informationforthe current branch.Please specify which branch you want to mergewith.See git-pull(1)fordetail...