Ninety patients (78.1 ± 5.2 years) with a minimum follow-up of 2 years (3.7 ± 0.9 years) following angular stable plate fixation of a proximal humeral fracture (2-part: 34, 3-part: 41, 4-part: 12) were enrolled. Two telephone-based interviews assessed Disabilities of the...
I had an MRI on my right foot, come to find out that I have two fractured toes. That explains a lot. I have patella baja (shortened patella) in both knees thanks to the trauma. My wrists (left much more so than right) are still weak. Some bones in my chest pop if I stretch. ...
Writ in bones, burns and blood, the brutal tune fleshes out the uncanny individualism that makes up the anatomy of the ‘Knot. If there’s an underlying moral, it’s that your final score isn’t necessarily determined by an uneven past. Yeah, we can feel that. — PT 36. The Dying ...