with one exception. Although they believe that "Variety is the spice of life," I would rather suggest that "Honesty is always the best policy." I certainly prefer a translation that is consistent and meticulously accurate over one that has great variety...
” is simple but also a bit unsatisfying: thereisn’ta Bible translation that we, fallible humans, can point to and confidently identify as “the best.” It is of course possible to translate the Bible well, or to translate it poorly—just as with any other human ...
(ie., Reformed paedobaptist view). I am not sure from reading Calvin on Gen. 17, this is an accurate summary. Gavin misses a major emphasis of Calvin on Gen. 17: “since circumcision is called by Moses, the covenant of God, we thence infer that the promise of grace was included in...
If you removed the clause “that has apples in it,” the meaning of the sentence would be lost. Nobody would know which bucket the speaker wants. The clause is necessary to the meaning of the sentence and is therefore a restrictive clause. Because it’s a restrictive clause, it should t...
The Bible-believermustjudge himselffirst, and onlythencan we call on others to repent. "Judge not", "that ye be not judged"means that we must not judge with ourownjudgment or opinions like the people often do who incorrectly quote this scripture in the first place. Jesus said to judge ...
are special people whom of which make special music together.” And: “Our 7th figure in the set is one of the show’s main reoccurring [sic] characters, whom of which we all love to hate.” And: “Oh, that’s me whom which you’re looking for.” (Sometimes “of” is dropped.)...
In 1680 William Scawen wrote an essay describing 16 reasons for the decline of Cornish, among them the lack of a distinctive Cornish alphabet, the loss of contact between Cornwall and Brittany, the cessation of the miracle plays, loss of records in the Civil War, lack of a Cornish Bible ...
And I, seeing that the thing could be done, did it".121 The King stood on the throne and took an oath on the Bible before Feliks Turski, the Bishop of Krakow. Giving it a far more serous dimension the King made later many references to that event, one of them being: "It is not...
In his first words to us, Jesus told us the answer: “Why are you searching for me? Do you not know that you must find me in worship and in mission?” In terms of how we respond to that question, I want to share a story from our Advent Bible study followed by a couple of ...
So this is the very reason we must embrace what the apostle teaches. Our rejection of this glorious feminine loveliness is the root of our current cultural drift. We want to believe the Bible, but we want our faith to be the scratch and sniff kind. We want to b...