Hippies were members of a youth movement of the 1960’s and 1970’s that started in the United States and spread to Canada, Great Britain, and many other countries. The hippies rejected the customs, traditions, and life styles of society and tried to develop those of their own. Most hippi...
If music is about control-tight pants, technology, etc.-these are the rough times when entropy turns the mixer all the way to suck. more Mar 25, 2010 Ben Heller AEM082 MiniBoone There’s a part in the Beatles anthology in which Paul talks about the scarcity of resources for young ...
It may seem a CHUTZPA to some of the restaurant diners but I come from the middle east, In the Arab Villages and towns, around early May-mid June green roasted chickpeas in their pod, are being sold salted in newspaper cones to the delight of all. They are called H’amla (H’amel m...
or had hiccoughs. Your grandpa Papap likes Michelle (maybe he’ll sing you the Beatles song some day) and your cousin Oliver wants Rose, and actually called you Rose today a couple of times until his mama told him to stop. “But she’s so pretty and Rose is such a pretty name!’...
We had this quick interview on the phone, just to say, ‘Yes, it was me.’ That’s what I wanted to do – treat {Slade} like another person would treat The Beatles or treat The Pink Floyd…’ That’s it for this year, with 731,000-plus reads to date at http://www.writewyatt...
I grew up a huge fan of The Beatles and also VW Beetles. But then a teenier and unbearably cuter car rolled into view: The MINI Cooper. I was instantly enamored. My seventh grade boyfriend even got me a mini yellow MINI model for my church confirmation. I still have it yet today. ...
Paul Revere & the Raiders, the Monkees, the Beatles–but also the first Mothers album! I loved Buffalo Springfield Again! And still do. I also started buying Hit Paradermagazine, which was an excellent read, dealing seriously with rock, soul, a bit of country, even more blues, histories ...
(Mack Avenue)– Maybe it’s my age, but I’m finding that lately, whether live or on record, a fresh slice of music is as likely to grab my attention with its bass line than whatever the front-line players are doing. (Genetics. Same thing happened eventually with my dad.) Still, ...
1. Who are some of your favourite composers, musicians and bands from the past and present? Glen Hansard, Bend Folds, Jeff Tweedy, Rich Mullins, Bob Dylan (Highway 61 Revisited… perfection), David Ramirez, Jeremy Casella, Chris Taylor, Sara Bareilles (Girl and SANG), The Beatles (cliché...