A、Chloroplasts in plants and green algae contain chlorophyll a and b and β-carotene. B、Plants share the evolutionarily derived traits for surviving on land that are absent in algae. C、Mosses, hornworts, liverworts, and ferns are nonvascular plants. D、Magnolia and its relatives, monocots, ...
A、Chloroplasts in plants and green algae contain chlorophyll a and b and β-carotene. B、Plants share the evolutionarily derived traits for surviving on land that are absent in algae. C、Mosses, hornworts, liverworts, and ferns are nonvascular plants. D、Magnolia and its relatives, monocots, ...
Can vascular tissue be found in all plants? Hornworts are nonvascular plants that are sister to the vascular plants. What do hornworts have in common with the seedless vascular horsetail plants? Which of the following is the ...
What is the importance of reproduction in plants? Describe how young plants and animals are similar to, but not exactly like, their parents. Describe the differences seen in the alternation of generations between gymnosperms, angiosperms, and nonvascular plants...
Which two characteristics are shared by seedless vascular and nonvascular plants? They both have xylem and phloem tissue to transport nutrients and water. What are the general characteristics of seedless vascular plants? Seedless vascular plants include ferns, horsetails and clubmosses. These types of...
For example, although ZHD transcription factors are conserved in many land plants, including angiosperms, gymnosperms, seedless vascular plant (Selaginella) and nonvascular plant (moss), their competitive inhibitors MIFs are found only in seed plants, such as Arabidopsis, rice and cotton, supporting ...
C、Mosses, hornworts, liverworts, and ferns are nonvascular plants. D、Magnolia and its relatives, monocots, and eudicots are flowering plants (i.e., angiosperms). 点击查看答案 第8题 Which of the following statements about plant structure is correct? A、Lateral roots arise from epidermis. B...
A、Chloroplasts in plants and green algae contain chlorophyll a and b and β-carotene. B、Plants share the evolutionarily derived traits for surviving on land that are absent in algae. C、Mosses, hornworts, liverworts, and ferns are nonvascular plants. D、Magnolia and its relatives, monocots, ...
How are grasses similar to other types of plants? Do ornamental grasses die in winter? What type of tropism allows plants to grow up trellises? What is xylem in herbaceous plants? Are broadleaf weeds dicots? What are seedless nonvascular plants?
Which group is the common ancestor of flowering plants, vascular plants without seeds, and nonvascular plants? a. Green algae b. Humans c. Mushrooms d. Bacteria What are the three tissue types in plants and where in the plant are they located?