With stunning animation and a talented voice cast, the Blue Lock anime has garnered even more fans and solidified its place in sports anime. Ready to Know Which Blue Lock Character You Are? Now that you’ve learned about Blue Lock and its fascinating characters, you must be itching to find...
Hey folks I'm back. Just thought I'd ask, which Digimon game on the Switch is best ideal for newcomers like me to the series? Since I love so much of Pokémon and anime stuff, would Digimon be worth checking out in a fresh new way? And even wondering, do all or one of the Digi...
If you guessed Jamie Farr...you're wrong. Jamie was very close to Michigan, but he was from Toledo, Ohio. The answer is: HARRY MORGAN, the man who played “Colonel Potter”. Harry was born on April 10, 1915 in Detroit as Harry Bratsberg (some sites spell it as 'Bratsburg'). Not...
I have to say, I watched the KH2 ending and you guys are right, It is a happy ending since everyone returns to the Island But i miss the KH1 costume. Also which Sora costume is your favorite? Also what do you think of Sora's personality in DDD sin...