creating a second pattern of binary codes for letters by selecting the code numbers to represent the first fifteen lowercase letters of the Roman alphabet to use combinations of bits one through four only, and adding bit-6 to create the binary code of the same capital letter, that simplicity ...
For simplicity, the set of possibilities (alphabet) is here assumed discrete and finite, W being the number of possibilities. The probability set associated with “Nature” is P ≡ { p i } (with ∑ i = 1 W p i = 1 ), and that associated with “the physicist” is Q ≡ { q i ...
For simplicity, the set of possibilities (alphabet) is here assumed discrete and finite, W being the number of possibilities. The probability set associated with “Nature” is 𝑃≡{𝑝𝑖} (with ∑𝑊𝑖=1𝑝𝑖=1), and that associated with “the physicist” is 𝑄≡{𝑞𝑖} (...