For some, getting micronutrient requirements in for the day can be quite the challenge. Luckily, I have your answer for all of you who may struggle: Cheesecake Dip. It's high protein, low fat so perfect for anyone dieting, but makes your fruit taste even better. Feel free to mess around...
Whey protein powder. I keep several big containers for prepping and preparedness. It is an additional way to augment one’s food storage with a very important and necessary ingredient for survival… Protein. I’ve linked my preferred brand below, and it has been part of my inventory for man...
Anyone who exercised and wanted to see their body change, were including protein powder after a workout. Even children were drinking protein drinks when they needed to gain weight! Irvin’s creation led to such amazing results—people saw changes in their bodies that they never knew could happe...
Whey comes from cow's milk during the cheese making process. Whey protein powder is a powdered form of the proteins obtained from that liquid. Whey is useful in protein powders because it contains all of the essential amino acids, a high quality protein for those seeking to gain muscle and ...
Whey protein has been a favorite supplement among gym goers for a long time and is still a go-to source of smoothie protein in the wellness world. But even if you’re a fan, do you know what it actually is and how it may affect your body differently than other types of protein?
Send us your recipes to the address below and you could see them published. Author : Bill Misner, Ph.D. All carbs are not equal! I like to cite the example provided by a hog farmer who observed that his neighbor was feeding potatoes to his hogs and they were...