2. Prime constituents of whey protein 3. Composition and production of sweet/acidic whey 4. Bioactive peptides aspects of whey and its health/wellbeing benefits 5. Whey processing techniques: Improving whey proteins’ functionalities 6. Whey and its derivatives-based products: Generating new function...
release bioactive peptides from whey proteins during whey fermentation. We demonstrated that yeasts from PR NWS are not only spoilage agents but also beneficial cell factories exploitable for ethanol production and development of whey protein hydrolysates and whey fermented drink enriched in bioactive ...
Furthermore, the beverage models contained pasteurised blackcurrant juice (dm-drogerie markt GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany) with a chemical composition of: >0.5% (w/w) fat, 8.5% (w/w) carbohydrates, and 0.6% (w/w) protein (information obtained from the packaging). A water kefir starter ...