But, instead of sitting cross-legged on the wooden floor while your used-to-be-a-coal-miner-until-he-got-the-ol’-black-lung-don’t-ya-know Grandpa walks you through the rudiments of how to play “Darling Cora,” you get to sit in your boxers, eating Chinese leftovers, and work ...
283.Ya Ya 284.The Boy From New York City 285.The Shoop Shoop Song ( It's In His Kiss) 286.Pretty Little Angel Eyes 287.You Talk Too Much 288.Soul Man 289.Bisbigli Notturni 290.Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow 291.Chantilly Lace 292.Land Of 1000 Dances ...
I was 24 at the time when I broke my foot. In the past yr,it has spread to all four limbs. I live in Maryland, about 30min from DC; which has GW hospital,Johns Hopkins, NIH,Etc. my father is also in the medical field
Thank you for such a great and informative site. I have RSD in my left arm and like one of the posters above stated think I may now have it in my right arm or it could be as she said issues from over use since I cannot use the left. I doubt it though, the pain is so severe...