Versión para PS5 Compatible con la función de vibración y el efecto de gatillo (control inalámbrico DualSense) Compatible con Ayuda de juego Ver todos ¿Qué es Where Winds Meet? Una aventura épica que transcurre durante la época más tumultuosa de la China antigua. Explora un mundo abi...
燕云十六声 Where Winds Meet 补充完善游戏资料 类型: 游戏/角色扮演/动作 平台: PC/iPhone/iPad/Android/PS4/Xbox One/PS5/XSX 预计上市时间: 2024-12-27 发行日期: 2024-12-27 豆瓣评分 想玩在玩玩过
由网易旗下 Everstone Games 工作室开发的开放世界中国风武侠动作游戏《燕云十六声(Where Winds Meet)》今日于 PlayStation 直播节目「State of Play」宣布,确认将推出 PS5 版本。 《燕云十六声》是一款以历史武侠为主题的全新作品,并在游戏中将「中国特色武功」与开放世界相互融合,开创单人与多人共存的模式,展现优质...
由网易旗下 Everstone Games 工作室开发的开放世界中国风武侠动作游戏《燕云十六声(Where Winds Meet)》今日于 PlayStation 直播节目「State of Play」宣布,确认将推出 PS5 版本。 《燕云十六声》是一款以历史武侠为主题的全新作品,并在游戏中将「中国特色武功」与开放世界相互融合,开创单人与多人共存的模式,展现优质...
Unknown Release Date PC PS5 Follow -- Not Reviewed Metacritic -- User Avg -- Latest on Where Winds Meet 0 New Trailer Announces Where Winds Meet Coming To PS5, Includes This Fight With Giant Fish A trailer dropped during Sony's State of Play shows the pitched martial arts duels you'll ...
Gorgeous open-world RPG Where Winds Meet has reemerged at Sony's State of Play today, and is no longer a PC exclusive. Alongside a new trailer, we learned that Where Winds Meet will also be headed to PS5, though we're still not sure exactly when. ...
A closer look atthe announce trailer forWhere Winds Meetreveals that the game might have been inspired by Ang Lee’s 2000 filmCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. In the final scenes of the trailer, two main characters engage in an intense sword battle reminiscent of the bamboo forest fight scene...
我是Everstone Studio 的製作人Beralt Lyu,很開心在此宣布我們的《燕雲十六聲》即將登陸PlayStation 5。我們花了5年的時間精心打造這部史詩級武俠開放世界動作冒險RPG,因此真的迫不及待要將它獻給所有PlayStation粉絲們。武俠是一種小說和電影體裁,以古代中國俠客為主題,經常會展現超凡的武藝特技——想想電影《臥虎藏龍...
Those queries could be simpler to address for more experienced music lovers. However, Gen Z introduces a fresh set of customers who discover music via services like TikTok, where a song’s release date isn’t always relevant. Younger people have already benefited from TikTok’s success in intro...
Відкрийтедлясебе Where Winds Meet наофіційномусайті PlayStation. Перегляньтезображення, роликийдеталі цієї епічної рольової екшн-при