Where Does the Presidents Cup Go from Here?LAKE MANASSAS, Va. - Though the Presidents Cup is still short on tradition and long on...Davis, Barker
The Presidents Cup is a golf match that pits the American players against the rest of the world, minus Europe. During the 2007 match, American golfer Woody Austin tried to hit his golf ball as it rested in water. Not only did Austin miss the ball, but he slipped and fell face-first i...
(Reuters) - Russia's defence ministry said on Friday its missiles hit a weapons depot near the eastern Ukrainian city of Popasna and hit 31 areas where Ukrainian forces were deployed, RIA news agency reported. It also said Russian forces shot down one Ukrainian SU-27...
Your donation of $25, $50, $75 or more will renew your membership and make certain we have the funds necessary to take back our nation. No matter where you live, the elections taking place this year will impact you and your family. Don’t be mistaken, even if you live in Omaha, ...
But there is a way to address these enormous challenges – and now is the time to do so. Our country's government, higher education and business leaders must invest in a "jobs-first" higher education model and the requisite policies needed to ensure residents throughout the country c...
Plans for the League of Nations, the precursor to the United Nations, gained steam here during meetings held by President Woodrow Wilson at the hotel in 1916. Martin Luther King Jr. also penned his "I Have a Dream" speech while staying at the Willard in 1963. Of course, don't forget ...
A leak that fills up a coffee cup in 10 minutes will waste over 3,000 gallons of water in a year. That’s 65 glasses of water every day for a year. A leaky toilet can waste over 22,000 gallons of water in one year; enough to take three baths every day. ...
A leak that fills up a coffee cup in 10 minutes will waste over 3,000 gallons of water in a year. That’s 65 glasses of water every day for a year. A leaky toilet can waste over 22,000 gallons of water in one year; enough to take three baths every day. ...
police – he called the cops who then immediately suspected him of murdering his girlfriend. It got worse when the girl was let go (after being held for two days and raped twice); the cops then decided this was all some scam worked up by the girl based on a recent movie plot. The...
This will lead to better policymaking in our nation, and a retreat of the worst of both parties on all forms of media as the fringes will both want to move to their promised lands and preach only to the converted. Think of it there are no downsides to this. The high bar for leavi...