Many other slaves escaped from servitude in South America and formed independent communities, known as the maroons, often deep into colonised territories. Some of these became well-established enough to effectively become trade partners of the European powers and were tolerated. Others, such as the ...
The forests of Belize were verdant and plentiful. All that was lacking was a labor force capable of felling trees fast enough to supply England. The Brits had a ready-made answer for the conundrum: the importation of slaves from Africa who would be the muscle behind what turned out to be ...
They were peace men; but they preferred revolution to peaceful submission to bondage. They were quiet men; but they did not shrink from agitating against oppression. They showed forbearance; but that they knew its limits. They believed in order; but not in the order of tyranny. With them, ...
From an outsider’s perspective, these are women who appear to have led seemingly normal lives—their everyday persona wouldn’t have been aware of the abuse they were subjected to at night, weekends, or on school holidays. These traumatic experiences are contained in different parts of the id...
In Roman society, well over half of the population were slaves. Slaves were expected to behave differently from free people. Imagine how difficult it was for a Roman citizen and his or her slave to sit down together and share a meal as equals! And yet that is what Jesus expected of ...
Find your country, and see how many rivers are left to run wild and how many dams were constructed in the last 100 years. But conservation groups say that the plans for many large dams are based on historical river flow data that are irrelevant in today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable...
In just twenty minutes, the two big kites were taken in and snugly stowed. The Late Commander carried a noble crew. As soon as we had the ship shortened down to a whole main-topgallant sail, the port watch was sent below and the watch on deck was left to clear up the tangle of ...
Find your country, and see how many rivers are left to run wild and how many dams were constructed in the last 100 years. But conservation groups say that the plans for many large dams are based on historical river flow data that are irrelevant in today’s rapidly changing and unpredictable...
We wear a mask. We pretend we are someone else (in this case slaves and slave-masters), we live this world and all its limitations behind for a while, and create a world were such limitations do not exist. It is catharsis. It helps dispense desires witho...
I went over this plan with my two doctors, taking along my bloodwork. Both were surprisingly on board. All three of us cautiously optimistic, watching my bloodwork every six weeks. So I’m doing keto, mostly Mediterranean style (fats from avocado, olives, etc), and intermittent fasting. My...