My first issue was designer Katrin Lea Tag's set. It's a roughly triangular room, the white walls oddly stippled, and with a single narrow entrance/exit at the rear. This has to serve as the Marquis's house, all of the various rooms in the convent, and the execution space at the c...
President Moore responds, “Grafton Patronage! Why that crook represents all that was bad and corrupt in the political rule of men and which was ended by my election!” Heeman raves, “You women are feather brained idealists! You’ve stopped us men from making money out of public office!
I was absolutely blown away by my visit to the park. While yes, they are huge animal lovers, the purpose of the park is to let you interact and fall in love with these creatures, and then hope you will go spread the word to not mistreat them. Right out of the gate, you get to ...
Born in the dimming light of the Qing, Gao began life awkwardly. Being shrewd, frail, and often plagued from chronic bouts of tuberculosis, his future was made brighter by the privilege of studying in Japan. Upon his return to Nanjing, Gao found work at the city university, where he ...
The instrumental use was changed: It was the beginning of an instructive-communicative relation between people and objects.The rise of a third kind of relation can be observed when the machine asks back: Can I help you? Do you really want to delete the document? Please, tell me what makes...