The word comes from the Old Norse word 'ketill', which means 'cauldron', and would most likely have been made from bronze. By the 19th century, most kettles were made from copper and heated over an open fire or stove. The first electric kettle was invented inChicagoin 1891, and took ...
Where was the first clock invented? Who invented the smoke detector? Who invented the sundial? Who invented the Bunsen burner? Who invented the oven? Where was the microscope invented? Who invented the first electric heater? Where was the battery invented?
So it was, just a few weeks ago when, putting the house that my parents lived in up for sale, I was allowed one last rite of passage through the stacks. I carefully combed the tomes and found a number of books that I swear I had never seen before, even though my father had passed...
Alfred Ellison first flew an aircraft as a young man during the First Word War, on active service as part of the Royal Flying Corps. He extended his flying experience in following years by attending air rallies as part of the Midland Aero club in various European capitals, but it was when...