Plot: Lucy Hardgrove (Lenz) is a screenwriter who lands the job of a lifetime when she's hired to pen the script for a remake of the beloved holiday movie classic His Merry Wife!, which was filmed in 1947 at the beautiful, historic Biltmore House. When the head of the studio isn't...
Why It's One Of The Best Free Movies Streaming: This was the horror movie that began the entire Friday the 13th franchise. I don’t think it’s as intense as other horror films out there, but it’s still a fun time that you’ll enjoy the moment you start watching. Stream Friday th...
00individual climbed out of the jet, met up with a good buddy and headed up the set of a “seaside” European cobble-stoned street past the store-front buildings that curved around the tip of the lake where a Pirate ship was docked. They crossed the plank onto the ship and were explori...
L’ultima notte di Amore. (Last Night of Amore) (Andrea Di Stefano) Passages. (Ira Sachs) How to Have Sex. (Molly Manning Walker) John Wick: Chapter 4 (Chad Stahelski) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. (Joaquim Dos Santos, Justin K. Thompson & Kemp Powers) Maestro. (Bradley Coope...
marking it as one of the films that’s watched and enjoyed again and again. It was critically acclaimed during its initial theatrical run, but didn’t become widely popular until TV broadcasts. James Stewart stars as a distraught man visited by a Christmas Eve angel who shows him his effect...
There were only 3 people involved in creating the video. I filmed my scenes in Berlin with the incredibly talented videographer Nataly Dimitrieva, while Cola captured his intense shots in Newark all on his own. When it was time to put it all together, I took on the editing, and that’...
Anyone who has seen “A Quiet Place” knows that, dialogue-wise, it is spare. The creatures might hear you and come for you, so mum’s the word. The 2023 sci-fi outing “25” that Beck & Woods did last, starring Adam Driver, was also more action, less talk. This one is dialogue...
Whose-Middle Name-Shall-Not-Be-Mentioned Obama was a small one – a hope that the election of a man of partial color and relatively cosmopolitan upbringing would at last bury the last lingering shreds of AmeriKKKa-Is-The-Most-Raaaaacist-Evah! Alas – it soon became very clear this was a ...
Unfortunately, Cedric dies at the hands of Peter Pettigrew when he uses the Killing Curse on him. Due to the somber circumstances, the Leaving Feast on the last day of school at Hogwarts was turned into a memorial for him. Who directed theHarry Pottermovies?
“The 7th Voyage of Sinbad” (1958) – Going in, I thought the only thing of note was going to be Ray Harryhausen’s stop-motion effects, but there are a few other stand out things about this epic fantasy. Namely, Bernard Herrmann’s score is as good as any of his music for Hitchc...