Looking for live coverage of the world's best rugby tournaments live and on demand? We got you covered with a list of the best places to watch on TV or online.
In a word, these once and former “watchdogs of the US Treasury” looked at the 10-year budget projections and waved the white flag of surrender on damn nearthree-fourthsof the spending available to cut. Not a single dime of savings in this vast expanse of the budget is embedded in th...
A decent number of tickets for this year's Miami Open are onStubHub, which includes afull display of the seating planat Miami Gardens for you to pick the exact vantage point you want to watch the action from, and purchase up to eight tickets at a time. With plenty o...
The culling of animals that are infected, or suspected to be infected, with COVID-19 has fuelled outcry. What might have contributed to the ongoing debates and discussions about animal rights protection amid global health crises is the lack of a unified understanding and internationally agreed-upon...
deeply fragmented and fractious people, only really unifying in the face of enmity from non-Gypsies, whom they call gadje. Today many Gypsy activists prefer to be called Roma, which comes from the Romany word for "man". But on my travels among them most still referred to themselves as ...
basis. If anyone you know shudders when they see the perfectly charming (and not at all psychopathic) J.K. Simmons in other roles,Ozis to blame. It comes highly recommended, but a word of advice if you go bingeing; have something lighthearted and fun to watch between seasons. Trust us...
Where to watch: Logo TV. 'Bachelor in Paradise' Season 6 ABC Overall, ABC's The Bachelor has been overwhelmingly straight (and mostly white) when it comes to its choices for leads and contestants. However, the franchise did feature one singular LGBTQ+ storyline in season six of Bachelor...
When we hear of teen pregnancy today, the prevailing assumption is that young women are interested in becoming sexually active, but have no desire to have children. When a pregnancy occurs, people think, it must be the result of carelessness. No teenager would actually want to get pregnant. ...
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Even if Bezos were today to secretly table his planned change, Wednesday’s announcement has by itself done a great public service by inciting entitled progressives to reveal in living color and with sharp lines their true nature. The Accounting Illusion that Is the U.S. ‘Trade Deficit’ ...