Shortly after, Thetis would give birth to a son, who grew up to be the famous Greek warrior Achilles. Thetis wanted to ensure that her son would be invulnerable and dipped him into the waters of the Styx River. As Thetis held onto Achilles’ heel as she dipped him, only that part of ...
Even the premise alone could have brought to mind the failings of Prometheus and The Thing (2011), but a messy production could have devastated this production. However, with the brilliant efforts of Gareth Edwards, Tony Gilroy, and a cast giving it their all, Rogue One proved that the ...
Want to SeeSeen It Transformers: Dark of the Moon (2011) Want to SeeSeen It Men in Black³ (2012) Want to SeeSeen It Cowboys & Aliens (2011) Want to SeeSeen It Jurassic World (2015) Want to SeeSeen It Prometheus (2012) Want to SeeSeen It Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (19...
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More? Okay strap in. Spoilers ahead. (BTWI did one of these for Prometheus too.) Facehuggers… why’d it have to be facehuggers? Right about the middle of the film there’s a set piece that pays off the swarms of facehuggers we saw earlier on. They’re sitting around like scorpions...
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Then the Dead Father sheathing his sword pulled from his trousers his ancient prick and pissed upon the dead artists, severally and together, to the best of his ability – four minutes, one pint. Moreover, the Dead Father is drawn by a cable (chained, like Prometheus) and his assistant-...