The movie is set to be a thriller and similarly stars Brendan Fraser, Morgan Freeman, as well as her father John Travolta. She was also seen in "The Life and Death of John Gotti" as the character of Angel Gotti. Michael Jackson’s son: Blanket Jackson Remember the baby who was dangled...
Samuel Aldegherisaid, “I’m happy for myself and for my family, but I’m happy for my country and for the kids in Italy who might feel like they are nobody, but I just showed them anyone can make it. They have to believe in their dreams and chase them.” Against theTexas Ranger...
He had to regroup—come back with mixtapes. He appeared that he was still persecuted, he was being blocked, he was beefing with Ja Rule and Irv Gotti. So he was kind of in trouble and then those mixtapes man, making those mixtapes over, having those little beefs here and there-that...